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Vectorworks 2020

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Nemetschek’s Vectorworks has delivered its yearly update to its flagship BIM modelling suite of products and the news is, it’s a big one, offering some unique capabilities. Martyn Day evaluates

There are many different applications for the new live data visualisation tool. In Vectorworks Landscape, for example, it could be used to quickly highlight which plants have the highest solar requirements, pricing or water needs

Munich-based Nemetschek is a very unusual software company. All of the other software developers in the industry have one BIM product. Nemetschek owns three: AllPlan, ArchiCAD and Vectorworks.

With sales in over 85 countries and a very strong presence in Europe, the company seems comfortable with selling what, on the face of it, appear to be competing platforms.

Allplan and ArchiCAD have their origins in Europe. Vectorworks was born in the mid 1980s and started off life as MiniCad for the Apple Macintosh. Around the year 2000, it transitioned to the Vectorworks brand when it was acquired by Nemetschek. Each of Nemetschek’s BIM brands are run as separate concerns and have different approaches, methodologies and underlying technologies to deliver on the process of BIM.

Despite its apparent age, Vectorworks has been undergoing a radical re-architecting and a fleshing out of its BIM capabilities. Until recently, it was only one of two platforms for construction that used a solid modelling kernel to underpin its geometry. Both Bentley Systems and Vectorworks utilise the Parasolid kernel from Siemens. There’s also a new kid on the block called BricsCAD, which uses the ACIS kernel. It turns out that having a powerful geometry engine, usually found in manufacturing CAD systems, may well be a better match as the industry moves to embrace digital fabrication.

In this release, Vectorworks has actively exposed some of the more powerful solid modelling methodologies of Parasolid, to make accurate manufacturable components, but more on that later.

One other unique feature in the Vectorworks offering is the way that the technology comes in a variety of flavours. There are seven options to choose from. Landmark is a very well-regarded and comprehensive landscaping variant and Spotlight has single-handedly developed a leading role in the world of stage and lighting design. The others are Fundamentals, Architect, Braceworks, Vision and Designer.

The feature updates range across these variants, some being common, some being unique to the industries that are focused upon.


The first thing you notice with Vectorworks 2020 is the smoothness and speed of the new graphics, especially on large files. Using games style, dynamic Level of Detail (LoD) control, objects far away or not in view are reduced in detail on the fly, optimising the load on the graphics card. This is used when zooming, panning and using ‘fly over’ in the model. Files open faster and 3D frame rates are improved.

Vectorworks 2020 features much faster graphics thanks to dynamic Level of Detail (LoD) control

Live data visualisation

This new feature enables components within the building to be assigned colour attributes, depending on their object parameters. It could be used to check models visually during the design process.

Live data visualisation is like a lightweight Solibri capability, so you could instantly see which doors lacked fire protection or what are supporting structures vs partition walls. It could also be used for massing analyses with various residential units, or in the Landscape variant, to see which plants had the highest solar requirements, pricing or water needs.

It’s completely user configurable and it’s possible to have colours automatically associated to groups of components, such as fire door rating times, for instant identification within your model. Multiple visualisation sets can be created through a simple interface and stored/reapplied throughout the design process. These can also be shared between files and projects. History-based modelling This is a feature I never expected to see in an architectural design tool.

History-based modelling is a common modelling paradigm in manufacturing CAD. Essentially, to achieve the desired geometry, a range of operations are applied to define the shape of the building component, such as rounded edges, fillets, shells and chamfers. The history tree is the recipe of sequential commands used to create the component and they can be edited or removed from the tree, impacting the resultant component when ‘rebuilt’.

Vectorworks 2020 features history-based modelling, a feature more commonly found in mechanical CAD software

There are navigation tools to run through the history and locate the function that needs changing, and after all edits made the software re-builds the component to reflect the changes. This approach to modelling allows for an iterative design process and means components don’t necessarily have to be deleted and modelled from scratch; old designs can morph into new variations.

The addition of history-based modelling is a great capability, exposing the Parasolid core to create components or structures which might get digitally manufactured.

Live data visualisation enables components within a model to be assigned colour attributes, depending on their object parameters

Revit export

I’m sure that many Vectorworks customers have requested Revit export. In fact, I’m sure many customers of every BIM tool have requested this capability, but not many software firms are willing to do it. Part of this reason could be to ignore the gorilla in the jungle but there are technical issues, which arise from attempting to support another company’s proprietary format, as it opens all sorts of questions as to data coherence, mapping of components and a commitment to constantly chase file formats when they change.

Vectorworks is a strong supporter of Open BIM, and the company states that IFC is the preferred format, but there are times when collaboration in a native format is required, or when a deliverable needs to be in a specified form. Using technology from the Open Design Alliance (ODA) BIM library, the software can export RVT and RFA files. However, expectations must be set. This is by no means a 100% conversion of BIM to BIM. In this release, only 3D geometry will be exported for Revit to load as generic geometry.

For an initial release, this is a good start. I am sure as the ODA libraries improve, model information beyond geometry will start to be included.

Walk through animations

Once you have completed your beautiful model, nothing beats the generation of a walk-through animation and in this release the development team have reimagined the previous capabilities. Users can create a custom path for the eye-level camera view to travel with a NURBS curve or polyline. It’ll automatically take into account stairs and avoid model surfaces.

You can adjust the camera focus and speed through key frames in the multiple viewports, or from running through the actual camera path. There are two new commands to help assist in the automatic generation of smooth paths. ‘Create orbit’ and ‘Create spin’ will automatically generate paths around selected objects.

These can be exported as movies and rendered with various styles. It’s even possible to render a path and allow realtime 360° user-controlled camera views, as it plays. If you’re a select service member you can use the Vectorworks cloud to render your animation, at various sizes and frames per second.

Walk through animations have been enhanced for the 2020 release

GIS integration

Vectorworks 2020 features a whole new updated Geographic Information System (GIS) toolset which has an integration with the online services of market leader, Esri. Connecting ArcGIS and BIM enables project models to be positioned highly accurately and a digital geographic model created.

Projects can be accurately geolocated simply by entering an address and instantly incorporating street map, satellite, or other imagery in your design through ArcGIS and WMS servers. With a paid ArcGIS online service plan, it is possible to access additional maps and other imagery directly from within Vectorworks.

The development team has replaced the previous Global projection system with a much more accurate Pseudo- Mercator projection.

This link with Esri is quite a coup for Vectorworks, as it manages to deliver a powerful Esri link in its BIM product before even Autodesk managed to, and that was announced almost two years ago.

Vectorworks 2020 features a new updated GIS toolset which has an integration with Esri

Data manager

The great thing about BIM is that it’s where geometry and building information combine. The bad thing about BIM, is that there is a whole lot of data and it just keeps growing through a project’s development. To help out, the development team has implemented a new Data Manager to help sort and find needles in a BIM haystack and develop company BIM standards.

It’s possible to gather, filter and organise select objects based on their class, symbol definitions, and origin (Vectorworks or 3rd party). With each object, you can examine the attached data by its mapping and look at the data fields and sheets, at all the levels of detail (LOD). Here you can also map model object information to IFC standards through custom fields and formulas.

Speaking of IFCs, there is the new ability to reference IFC files so they don’t need to be reimported during the design process if they get changed. Data tags have also been enhanced and expanded.


Creating section views has been enhanced in this version. Improvements range from being able to control the level of detail for building elements (e.g. windows, doors), to the ability to adjust cut plane settings on individual objects. There’s also the option to show colour fills and planar objects in hidden line viewports.

Doors and windows

2020 has had many small and large improvements to window components - to improve speed and control of placement, LOD detail, as well as to enable rapid modelling and editing. Hipsters everywhere will be glad to know that this release features ‘barn door’ style doors, and there are lots of different types to choose from! And if none meet your requirements, of course they are completely editable. Windows have similar control and LOD updates.


The stage design variant, Vectorworks Spotlight, has enjoyed a variety of updates. These include the ability to generate Heat Maps for lighting designers, rapid seating section generation, DMX patching mapping to keep track of lighting, some really powerful lighting rig schematic generation and a positional Video camera view to plan camera placement.


There are far too many enhancements to mention here and the Landmark, landscaping variant probably needs a review in its own right.

Vectorworks is certainly on a mission to deliver a quality 3D design experience. The interface is fast and it looks great. With new Esri links, improved GIS, history-based editing of geometry and Revit Export in their firs t iterations, it will be fascinating to see how customers use these new features and expand the appeal of the Vectorworks brand.

To delve deeper into the new functionality in Vectorworks 2020, as well the development direction the company is taking, we talked to Dr. Biplab Sarkar, CEO of Vectorworks

AEC Magazine: Putting in Revit Export is a major move. Obviously, BIM systems are different under the hood and components don’t necessarily map to other vendors’ components. For this iteration you do just geometry but hint at going further. How will you handle this with export in the future? It strikes me that the only way to get BIM data out of proprietary systems is through a sliced-up sausage approach, in multiple takes from a model residing in different files. Wouldn’t IFC be better than this? You get geometry, plus some intelligence as it drives the creation of Revit components?

Dr. Biplab Sarkar: Our Revit export capability is limited by the ODA [Open Design Alliance] implementation of the export framework in their library. As ODA ramps up their export support for Revit parametric objects, we will also have better exports to Revit. A similar roadmap is being followed in the Revit import process also. IFC import and export is better at this point simply because of the fact that the schema is supported by IFC format, which can be mapped to the data set of various common architectural objects in different products. But there are cases, where a particular object simply cannot be mapped using the IFC schema, and thus is described in IFC as a generic object, in which case the export/import may not create intelligent objects and may be represented differently in other products.

AEC: Vectorworks uses Parasolid at its core. My understanding is that in between the Parasolid engine and the BIM graphics there is a graphics layer which is driven from Parasolid to lighten the load. Why have you taken this approach, and could you explain a little about the implementation of Parasolid in Vectorworks and how it drives the creation of BIM geometry.

Sarkar: Yes, Vectorworks uses Parasolid to represent all architectural objects including walls, roofs, slabs, etc. In these objects, each of the components is represented by solids created using Parasolid. And when you cut a hole in the wall to insert a door or window, the solid undergoes [a] Boolean operation to create the openings. Wall projections and recesses are created similarly using solid Boolean operations. Parasolid is also used in Vectorworks for the creation of solid primitives like extrudes, sweeps, lofts, etc., and for operations like fillet, chamfer, shell, twist, bend, bulge, taper, etc.

When it comes to creating the graphical representation for the Vectorworks objects, Parasolid tessellations are used in general. What we have created in Vectorworks is a layer called VGM or Vectorworks Graphics Module, which simplifies the tessellations geometrically or uses different tessellation details based on how far the object is. It also separates the geometry phase from the actual rendering calls, in addition to creating the scene graph and providing the scene simplification. We use the VGM layer to transmit the scene data from desktop to our mobile app, Vectorworks Nomad, in order to view the Vectorworks scene on mobile devices. Lastly, we have used VGM as the foundation to create Vectorworks Graphics Sync (VGS), which is used for syncing with real-time rendering applications such as Lumion. VGM isolates the operating system specific rendering calls providing an easy way to change rendering contexts like changing from OpenGL to Vulcan or Metal.

AEC: The history tree function and power of Parasolid really pushes Vectorworks into the structural design space. What kinds of links to structural analysis tools are there and is there a plan to develop this as more of a structural solution, maybe a new flavour?

Vectorworks 2020 Sp0

Sarkar: Vectorworks designers want to design the interiors of the buildings, as well as the shells of the buildings. In order to enable our users to model anything they want, we added the history tree functionality which provides the users with freedom and flexibility in terms of editability of the tree.

Dr. Biplab Sarkar

When it comes to structural analysis, we depend on our sister companies inside the Nemetschek group, including SCIA. We communicate with these products using IFC format as we are strong proponents of the OpenBIM initiative. We do not have plans to develop a pure structural solution. But we have created a structural analysis solution for our entertainment product line. When you hang the lights and speakers from trusses hanging from the ceiling by some chain hoists, how do you ensure the safety of the people down below? For this purpose, we have created a structural analysis solution called Braceworks that helps you to calculate whether the loads and deflections are within the safety limits specified by the local jurisdiction. This helps our users to get their designs certified.

AEC: Looking forward to having Parasolid, a highly accurate and manufacturing-ready kernel at the core, what kinds of links to Digital Fabrication systems are you planning on developing? Would this help get Vectorworks into mass timber, for instance? Is Vectorworks ready to model at 1:1 for fabrication? Big models and detail don’t seem to be conducive to fast BIM modellers!

Sarkar: Yes, Parasolid enables us to create accurate solid representations for most of our objects. It does help in digital fabrication systems. At present, many of our users are limited to 2 ½ D NC machining from our models. We have a number of users in the exhibit design space that use Vectorworks to cut out wooden panels to manufacture the exhibits.

We also have designers using Vectorworks to digitally manufacture high-end cabinets in a very automated and streamlined way. We also see users creating freeform shapes for industrial designs that require 3-axis NC milling. So, in short, Vectorworks does provide models that are suitable for digital manufacturing. We have not seen a lot of our users using Vectorworks for prefab parts for buildings. This is an area that is gaining popularity as the demand for low-cost housing increases.

AEC: While you support native Python and your own Marionette scripting, there are many users of Rhino and Grasshopper. Graphisoft has integrated with it and, now with the launch of Rhino inside, it seems to be able to easily integrate into almost any Windows application, even Revit. What are your thoughts on scripting and could a grasshopper tie in be on the roadmap? There are many brands within the Nemetschek family. Which products will you look to integrate more tightly with next / in the future?

Sarkar: We see Rhino and Grasshopper as conceptual modeling tools that are quite popular in the universities and are used by many of our customers in architectural firms. And, we think these tools are great in doing what they do. What we are doing with Marionette is to help users manipulate Vectorworks BIM objects for design explorations. Marionette also enables the users to create their own parametric Marionette object if the existing objects do not suffice. But we do see a lot of upside to having Grasshopper integrated with Vectorworks, especially to drive pure geometric designs.

We want to integrate with several products in the Nemetschek family. As you know, we utilise the Maxon rendering engine in Vectorworks and integrated PDF-based workflows of Vectorworks with Bluebeam. We also established interoperability using IFC with SCIA (Structural Analysis), DDS-CAD (MEP) and Solibri. In the future, we want to create tighter integration with companies like RISA or dRofus.

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The following are real-world system requirements for running Vectorworks 2020. In some demanding cases, we would suggest a more capable machine than is described in these hardware profiles. Likewise, there are some less demanding situations where Vectorworks will perform well on older hardware.

General Requirements:

Operating Systems:

macOS 10.15 (Catalina)

macOS 10.14 (Mojave)

macOS 10.13 (High Sierra)

macOS 10.12 (Sierra)

Mac OS X 10.11 (El Capitan) *

* Not supported by Vision

Windows 10 64-bit

Windows 8.1 64-bit Windows 8 64-bit

Windows 7 SP1 64-bit

Minimum Hardware Profile:

Entry-level Profile:

For small projects, simple models/drawings with a low level of detail, simple renderings (such as small residential projects, small theaters, small landscaping design)


64-bit Intel Core i5 (or AMD equivalent) or better


4GB or more

Graphics Card:

OpenGL 2.1 compatible graphics card with 1GB of VRAM or more

Some integrated graphics cards such as Intel Iris graphics are acceptable for simple models/drawings, but a dedicated graphics card is preferable.

Vectorworks with Vision requires a dedicated graphics card supporting GL_ARB_draw_buffers extension with 2GB of VRAM or more, preferably released in the past three years (e.g., NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 series, AMD Radeon RX 500 series).

Using multiple view panes with different visibilities in all panes requires a graphics card with at least 2GB of VRAM.

Display Resolution:

1440 x 900 or higher

Hard Disk:

10GB free disk space is required for the installation. 30GB or more is required for a full installation with all libraries.

Vectorworks Architect 2020

Recommended Hardware Profiles:

High-end Profile: Hands off 4 1 000.

For large projects, complex and very detailed models/drawings, complex renderings (such as large BIM projects, large entertainment venues, commercial sites, GIS, high-end landscaping design, photorealistic rendering)


64-bit Intel Core i7 (or AMD equivalent) clocked at 3GHz or better


16GB-32GB or more

Graphics Card:

A dedicated OpenGL 2.1 compatible graphics card with 4GB of VRAM or more

Vectorworks with Vision requires a dedicated graphics card supporting GL_ARB_draw_buffers extension with 8GB of VRAM or more, preferably released in the past three years (e.g., NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 TI series, AMD Radeon RX 5000 series).

Display Resolution:

1920 x 1080 or higher Artrage 5 0 8.

Hard Disk:

10GB free disk space is required for the installation. 30GB or more is required for a full installation with all libraries.


Installing Vectorworks on flash storage (SSD) is recommended.

Mid-level Profile:

For medium-size projects, complex models/drawings with a medium level of details (such as small commercial projects, mid-size entertainment venues, residential site modeling)


64-bit Intel Core i5 (or AMD equivalent) clocked at 2GHz or better


8GB-16GB or more

Graphics Card:

A dedicated OpenGL 2.1 compatible graphics card with 2GB-4GB of VRAM or more

Vectorworks with Vision requires a dedicated graphics card supporting GL_ARB_draw_buffers extension with 4GB of VRAM or more, preferably released in the past three years (e.g., NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 series, AMD Radeon RX Vega series).

Using multiple view panes with different visibilities in all panes requires a graphics card with at least 2GB of VRAM, with 3GB or more recommended for large files.

Display Resolution:

1920 x 1080 or higher

Hard Disk:

Vectorworks 2020 Torrent

10GB free disk space is required for the installation. 30GB or more is required for a full installation with all libraries.

Installing Vectorworks on flash storage (SSD) is recommended.

Network Requirements for Project Sharing

Project sharing requires high-speed network connections. As the network bandwidth increases, so does project sharing performance. Slower network speeds can still provide a satisfactory user experience if you minimize operations that transfer large amounts of data over the network (such as committing changes to the project file or refreshing a local working file).

LAN Sharing:

Minimum: A Fast Ethernet (100Mbit/s) network connection

Recommended: A Gigabit Ethernet (1Gbit/s) network connection is required for large projects.

Cloud Sharing:

Project sharing using cloud-based storage requires a high-speed internet connection (50Mbit/s or above).

This method of sharing works best with small teams or small projects. It is not recommended for large teams or large projects. You can expect significant speed improvements when using Dropbox with LAN sync enabled. It is the preferred cloud-based sharing solution for project sharing and is highly recommended for project teams on the same Local Area Network.

Hard Drive:

Storing large project files on flash storage (SSD) is recommended.

Additional Details Iterm2 themes.

Graphics Cards

IMPORTANT – Several Vectorworks features have placed higher demands on graphic hardware. Additionally, the performance and quality of the graphics provided by the Vectorworks Graphics Module depend directly on the speed, memory, and supported extensions of the graphics card. These features have the potential to provide a very fast and fluid experience if used on capable hardware, or a noticeably slower experience if used on older or incompatible hardware. Graphics cards should support at a minimum OpenGL version 2.1; cards not meeting this recommendation will have limited functionality and poor performance. In general, the more powerful your graphics card is, the better your Vectorworks experience will be.

The amount of Video RAM (VRAM) required to drive Vectorworks adequately depends largely on the size of the display being used and the complexity of the Vectorworks document. Medium-sized displays with a native resolution of 1920x1080 or less should be driven by a graphics card with at least 1GB of VRAM. Larger displays should use a modern graphics card with at least 2GB of VRAM, with 4GB or more recommended.
OpenGL rendering of shadows and edges are VRAM-intensive and require at least 1GB, with 2GB of VRAM or more being preferable. If you want to take full advantage of OpenGL shadows and edges, especially in situations where you have any combination of the following:
- many lights
- point lights
- image textures
- anti-aliasing
- high shadow quality
- excessive geometry

and if you have a graphics card with less than 1GB of VRAM, you should consider upgrading your graphics card.

Using Multiple View Panes with different visibilities in all panes can be VRAM-intensive and require at least 2GB of VRAM, with 3GB or more recommended for large Vectorworks documents.

We strongly recommend that all users check that their video drivers are current. The majority of display problems reported to our Technical Support department have been traced to older video drivers. In general, a recent graphics card running the latest drivers is preferable to an old high-end graphics card running outdated drivers.

Vision requires a dedicated OpenGL 3.0 compatible graphics card supporting GL_ARB_draw_buffers extension, preferably released in the past three years. We do not recommend any integrated Intel video chipset. While Vision may run under these environments, we do not support them due to their lack of performance and speed. We recommend gaming cards over workstation cards for Vision due to the higher clock speed.

For the latest information on our graphics card recommendations and other hardware recommendations, go to the Quality-Tested Hardware page.

Vectorworks may be used in conjunction with real-time rendering engines which have their own demanding hardware requirements. For example see Lumion:

Remote and Virtual Machines

We do not consider remote login environments such as Remote Desktop, Terminal Services, and VNC or virtual machine environments such as Parallels and VMware to be appropriate for regular work, so Vectorworks performance in these situations is not of primary concern to us. They may be appropriate for administrative testing or utility purposes, and Vectorworks is fully functional in these environments. You should not expect high performance in these environments, however, especially with interactive screen feedback.

We do support Vectorworks running under Boot Camp on Mac machines. As long as you have appropriate and current drivers for the hardware on your machine, you can expect fast and reliable Vectorworks behavior.

Maintenance Releases

Unless there is a known problem with a maintenance release of the operating system, we recommend the latest maintenance release at the time we ship a new release of Vectorworks as a minimum because that is what we test with. If you have problems with an earlier maintenance release, we will often ask you to update as an initial troubleshooting step.

Optimizing Performance

For users who work with large files and complex renderings, we recommend running with at least 8GB of RAM. When RAM runs out, Vectorworks usually continues to function but is slowed significantly by the need to access the hard drive to provide virtual memory. Extreme lack of RAM may cause operations to generate errors in cases where given sufficient RAM they would otherwise succeed. Faster hard drives can have a large impact on system performance, especially when virtual memory is actively being used.

Faster or slower processor clock speeds have a predictable impact on Vectorworks performance. Hard drive size requirements are driven by the total size of Vectorworks, including all content files. You can reduce this size by opting not to install some of the larger Vectorworks content files.

Project Sharing and Network Bandwidth

The performance of Vectorworks when working on a shared project over the network will depend on the available network bandwidth. If the network bandwidth is insufficient, operations that transfer a large amount of data over the network will be slow.

We recommend at minimum a Fast Ethernet (100Mbit/s) network connection. For large projects, a Gigabit Ethernet (1Gbit/s) network is required for a fast and fluid experience.

Project sharing using cloud-based storages requires a high-speed internet connection (50Mbit/s or above). This method of sharing works best with small teams or small projects. It is not recommended for large teams or large projects. You can expect significant speed improvements when using Dropbox with LAN sync enabled. It is the preferred cloud-based sharing solution for project sharing and is highly recommended for project teams on the same Local Area Network.

Although project sharing requires high-speed network connections in general, slower network speeds can still provide a satisfactory user experience if you minimize operations that transfer large amounts of data over the network (such as committing changes to the project file or refreshing a local working file).

Vectorworks 2020 Help

Examples of data transfer times during commit and refresh operations for different bandwidths and project file sizes are shown in the chart below.

Project File Size

Network Bandwidth (download/upload) Commit/Refresh Data Transfer Time

Vectoraster 7 1 1. 100 MB

50Mbit/s ~20s

100Mbit/s ~10s

1Gbit/s ~1s

500 MB

50Mbit/s ~100s

100Mbit/s ~50s

1Gbit/s ~5s


50Mbit/s ~200s

100Mbit/s ~100s

1Gbit/s ~10s

Vectorworks 2020
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